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Energy & Raw Materials Companies in Arab Countries

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Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER)
CDER is responsible for developing and implementing research programs and development, science and technology, energy systems harnessing the solar, wind, geothermal and biomass
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Route De l'Observatoire Bouzaréah - P.O.Box 62 Route De l'Observatoire Bouzaréah - P.O.Box 62
0021321901503 0021321901503
ENOR Gold Exploitation
ENOR is an Algerian company established under the Algerian law, which operates in gold mines
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Val d’Hydra - Bt 8B Entrée C1 - Résidence Châabani Val d’Hydra - Bt 8B Entrée C1 - Résidence Châabani
00213770527350 00213770527350
Entreprise Électrification d'Algérie (AL ELEC)
Leader in providing electrical services
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Belcourt - Noureddine - 12 Boulevard Nacera Belcourt - Noureddine - 12 Boulevard Nacera
0021321654796 0021321654796
Kahraba Wa Ma Kahrama Algérie
Is a company specializes in working on the design, construction, operation and marketing of electricity and water
Arzew (Algeria)Arzew (Algeria)
Rue Aizi Benyebka - P.O.Box 58 Rue Aizi Benyebka - P.O.Box 58
0021341470299 0021341470299
Kenza Industry & Services
Our activity is directed towards the construction and industrial maintenance in the energy sector and mining
Constantine (Algeria)Constantine (Algeria)
Belle-vue - 08 Rue du Docteur Laveran Belle-vue - 08 Rue du Docteur Laveran
0021331923767 0021331923767
Les Cableries Electriques d'Alger (Cabel Spa )
Specialize in the field of energy and electricity
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Gué De Constantine - Route Nationale No. 38 - P.O.Box 94 Gué De Constantine - Route Nationale No. 38 - P.O.Box 94
0021321830523 0021321830523
Scet Energie
Produce industrial batteries, batteries and photovoltaic systems solar photovoltaic
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Bab Ezzouar - Cité 498 Bab Ezzouar - Cité 498
0021321247066 0021321247066
Working in the field of energy and renewable energy
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Gué De Constantine - Route Nationale 38 Gué De Constantine - Route Nationale 38
002132183905652 002132183905652
Unicarbide is acompany operating in the filed of distribution of the petroleum products
Alger (Algeria)Alger (Algeria)
Ain Benian - 38 Boulevard Colonel Si M'Hamed Ain Benian - 38 Boulevard Colonel Si M'Hamed
0021321307859 0021321307859
Quality Wire Products Co. W.L.L.
Working to supply a full range of telecommunications products
Manama (Bahrain)Manama (Bahrain)
Road 436 - Building 2022 Road 436 - Building 2022
0097317874000 0097317874000