
Since 1975, Ecodis has adopted a unique approach towards satisfying its customers, which include both construction professionals and installers, by providing them with turnkey solutions

France (Lyon)

Skylights - Ecolux Lightcatcher

Ecolux Lightcatcher is a smart, active light well that captures and diffuses daylight in buildings.
Product Details
This overhead rooflight feature a UV-resistance polycarbonate dome, a standalone solar sensor which orients the reflective mirror to capture as much natural daylight as possible. This mirror diffuses light through the building using two prismatic lenses, throughout the day and even when the sky is overcast.


- Ecolux Lightcatcher brings natural daylight into buildings without additional heat.
- It reduces electricity use on artificial lighting: over 40% savings for industrial buildings.
- Up to ten hours of free natural lighting per day.
- Return on investment in 2-4 years.
- Thermal insulation guaranteed by inert air layers between the polycarbonate lenses.
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

Parc d'Affaires de la Vallée d'Ozon - 115 rue des Frères Lumière - 69970 Chaponnay

France (Lyon)

Commercial Contact

Mahmoud Bensiam

General Manager