Lacto Misr Co.

Lacto Misr Company for the Production of Baby Milk powder & Food is a joint stock Company established on January, 2000

Egypt (El Sharkeya)

Lacto 2

Is infant milk powder for babies 6 – 12 months of age. Mother’s milk is the best diet for young babies. If, however, you cannot breastfeed your baby, feed lacto1 after consulting your pediatrician
Product Details
• With pleasant vanilla flavor & easily digestible & well satiating food for babies from 6 –12 months of age.
• Contains valuable nutrients & essential elements ensuring the baby’s well being.
• Contains 75 Kcal per 100ml.
• Contains 10 mg iron /liter to protect infants from iron deficiency unlike cow’s milk which contains approximately 0.5 mg/liter.
• Is enriched with nucleotides that play an important role in GIT development and maturation and optimal immune function.
• Contains carbohydrates mainly lactose, in addition to pregelatinized starch & maltodextrin.
• Protein supplying most essential amino acids.
• Is enriched with all essential vitamins and minerals.
• Is supplemented with selenium that acts as anti oxidant which improve the general conditions of the body,food absorption,hair growth and also prevent the cell damage.
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

10th of Ramadan City - Industrial Zone - A6 No. 131

Egypt (El Sharkeya)