Lacto Misr Co.

Lacto Misr Company for the Production of Baby Milk powder & Food is a joint stock Company established on January, 2000

Egypt (El Sharkeya)

Non -Dairy Creamer Powder for Kievit

Lacto-Misr has the capability and high capacity for Toll manufacturing, and to arrange production of any desirable baby formulas and Food Ingredients for other companies
Product Details
Lacto-Misr has the capability and high capacity for Toll manufacturing, and to arrange production of any desirable baby formulas and Food Ingredients for other companies.

Currently Lacto Misr produces toll manufactured Non-Dairy Creamers for Friesland Campina Kievit (a leading Dutch company) to be their hub in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa.
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

10th of Ramadan City - Industrial Zone - A6 No. 131

Egypt (El Sharkeya)