Al Othman Agriculture Production and Processing Co. (NADA)

NADA is one of the leading producers, manufacturers and distributors of fresh dairy, fresh juice and long life milk and juice products

Saudi Arabia (Al Hofuf)

Orange Juice

Comes in: 1.75L, 1L, 300ml and 200ml
Product Details
Our smooth Orange Juice is made from specially picked oranges from the sun-kissed groves in Spain. Picked at their ripest and juiciest the sweet smooth taste and fresh aromatic flavour will stir your senses and replenish the soul. Ideal to give you an extra boost in the morning or to share with family and friends.

Rich in Vitamin C.

Comes in: 1.75L, 1L, 300ml, 200ml.
Business TypeManufacturer
Head Office

P.O.Box 1065

Saudi Arabia (Al Hofuf)