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Burn ointment (Cicatoop)
Succeeded laboratories Barbara Pharm
To achieve an ointment removes traces of very deep burns.
And that in a month from the start of treatment. The new ointment helps remove old burn scars.
Product Details
Manual definition of the product:
Laboratoire Barbara Pharm
Burn ointment (Cicatoop)
Succeeded laboratories Barbara Pharm

To reach an ointment installation removes the effects of deep burns completely.
And that within one month of the start of treatment. The new ointment helps to remove the scars of old burns also.

The new ointment has experience on many of the patients who have suffered severe burns, serious third-degree deep, because of their exposure to accidents, gas explosions, was cured thanks to this ointment.

Extract from natural materials 100/100
Simple and practical
High safety for all ages
Ensures rapid healing and enhances the aesthetic
The best option for the treatment of burn scars
Softens and flattens raised scars
Reduces redness and skin discoloration
Relieves itching and discomfort associated with scars
It provides protection for 24 hours if applied as recommended
Application is easy and painless, no need to remove it.
Suitable for patients who suffer from skin allergies and children.
Does not irritate the skin or spots

Burn scars (1, 2.3 degree, new and old)
Sections scar
Plastic surgery scars
Acne scars
Scars and keloids
Areas of wounds
Transplantation of skin samples
Production & Packaging
  • Packaging 2500 Carton
  • Minimum Order Quantity 10000 Unit
  • Production Capacity 100000 Unit Daily
Contact Information

Barbara Pharm
