Morocco Morocco
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Argentina Argentina

Organic Argan Oil

Alassala Organic Moroccan Argan Oil
Product Details
Alassala Organic Moroccan Argan Oil has a delicate nutty flavour, proven health benefits through naturally occurring high levels of Vitamin E, essential fatty acids (Omega 3s, Omega 9s) plus plant sterols.

Ethically produced using traditional methods, our oil is sourced through women's co-operatives that support the local growing communities.
It is ideal for dipping, salad dressing, seasoning and drizzling over pasta, fish, and meat dishes giving that unique delicious delicate nutty flavour to your dish.

Available in 100Ml and 250Ml.
Production & Packaging
  • Packaging 6 Box
  • Minimum Order Quantity 1000 Box
  • Production Capacity 10000 Box Monthly
Contact Information

Alassala Ltd.

United Kingdom